
Specialist 与expert两个单词我们经常听到或看到expert,但还是会对它们的用法混淆。两者的区别比较微小expert,有时候可以互换,但有时候用错了却很令人尴尬。

例如你要去医院看专家门诊请心血管专家检查,你是用expert 还是specialist, 如果你说I am going to see an expert cardiologist就错了,应该用specialist. 心血管专家被称作specialist cardiologist, 这是医学领域的权威,虽然他一定是个expert, 但在心脑血管方面这个特殊领域我们称其为specialist.


A cardiologist may be a specialist, but may not be particularly expert in his field.

一个心血管医生肯定是个specialist, 但他的绝大多数病人对他的诊断并不满意,虽然挂牌门诊是专家specialist, 但病人却不把他当成专家expert来看待。因此specialist 未必是expert.

当我们用expert时,我们暗指这个人在他的领域内技高一筹,例如一个人可以是足球高手an expert football player,这人是足球的expert, 也可以是一个足球的specialist.


A famous comedian married 6 times and called himself a specialist in marital relations. 某个著名的喜剧演员结了六次婚,自称是婚姻关系的专家。

的确他是个婚姻关系的专家specialist, 但他绝不是expert。因为他六次失败的婚姻说明他绝不可能给别人提出良好的婚姻关系的建议。

现在清楚了一个人可以在获得学位或通过证书考试后,在他研究或工作的领域称为specialist, 但是否有资格成为一个专家expert, 被大众认可还需要考验。因此specialist是通过证书或学位所显示的有形资产。而expert是一个人通过向客户展现专长所形成的无形资产。Specialist是术有专攻,expert是学有所长。一个人只有在某个方面specialized, 才能在此领域成为expert。比如你上大学主攻飞机设计 You specialize in aircraft design,你才能成为航空领域的专家expert。



a person who has special skill or knowledge in some particular field; specialist; authority (a language expert.)


possessing special skill or knowledge; trained by practice; skillful or skilled (often followed by in or at):(an expert driver; to be expert at driving a car.)

pertaining to, coming from, or characteristic of an expert: (expert work; expert advice.)


1. a person who devotes himself or herself to one subject or to one particular branch of a subject or pursuit.

2. a medical practitioner who devotes attention to a particular class of diseases, patients, etc.