



最少时间最短路程不走高速 ||全程 约212.9公里/4小时28分钟

显示全部详情长春火车站 展开1. 长春市内驾车方案 1) 从起点向正北方向出发,行驶50米,左转进入惠工路2) 沿惠工路行驶190米,朝惠工立交桥/东莱桥方向,稍向右转3) 继续沿惠工路行驶640米,左转4) 行驶110米,右前方转弯进入四通路5) 沿四通路行驶340米,在惠工路高架桥朝光复路/长春站方向,直行6) 继续沿四通路行驶40米,右转进入东大广场7) 沿东大广场行驶90米,过左侧的东大广场,右前方转弯进入长通路8) 沿长通路行驶1.1公里,9) 行驶10米,右前方转弯进入亚泰大街10) 沿亚泰大街行驶920米,直行进入亚泰北街11) 沿亚泰北街行驶420米,朝台北大街方向,直行12) 继续沿亚泰北街行驶2.0公里,左转进入长新街13) 沿长新街行驶1.6公里,右转进入凯旋路14) 沿凯旋路行驶690米,左前方转弯进入柳影路15) 沿柳影路行驶2.0公里,右转进入青年路16) 沿青年路行驶150米,过右侧的长春理工大学成教四方分院,直行进入G30217) 沿G302行驶15.4公里,左转18) 行驶20米,直行进入繁华路19) 沿繁华路行驶500米,右前方转弯进入合隆大街20) 沿合隆大街行驶480米,左转进入X005展开2. X005 1) 沿X005行驶17.4公里,右前方转弯进入S1062) 沿S106行驶2.1公里,稍向右转进入X0053) 沿X005行驶46.7公里,稍向左转进入S3034) 沿S303行驶490米,右转5) 行驶1.2公里,右转6) 行驶110米,左转进入X0057) 沿X005行驶29.0公里,稍向右转进入G203展开3. G203 1) 沿G203行驶58.0公里,稍向左转进入S3012) 沿S301行驶7.4公里,右前方转弯展开4. 松原市内驾车方案 1) 行驶1.4公里,左转2) 行驶720米,右转3) 行驶3.7公里,直行进入X1504) 沿X150行驶17.5公里,到达终点(在道路左侧)查干湖



David Cook - The Time Of My Life

I've been waiting for my dreams

To turn into something

I could believe in

And looking for that

Magic rainbow

On the horizon

I couldn't see it

Until I let go

Gave into love and watched all the bitterness burn

Now I'm coming alive

Body and soul

And feelin' my world start to turn

And I'll taste every moment

And live it out loud

I know this is the time,

This is the time

To be more than a name

Or a face in the crowd

I know this is the time

This is the time of my life

Time of my life

Holding onto things that vanished

Into the air

Left me in pieces

But now I'm rising from the ashes

Finding my wings

And all that I needed

Was there all along

Within my reach

As close as the beat of my heart

So I'll taste every moment

And live it out loud

I know this is the time,

This is the time to be

More than a name

Or a face in the crowd

I know this is the time

This is the time of my life

Time of my life

And I'm out on the edge of forever

Ready to run

I'm keeping my feet on the ground

My arms open wide

My face to the sun

I'll taste every moment

And live it out loud

I know this is the time,

This is the time to be

More than a name

Or a face in the crowd

I know this is the time

This is the time of my life

Time of my life

More than a name

Or a face in the crowd

I know

This is the time

This is the time of my life.

This is the time of my life.
